A Sea of Social Media

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Over the past few years, our commitment and dependency on social media has grown tremendously as the world becomes more and more hooked to being online. When you go online today, the options are endless. You can post a tweet to Twitter, share a status on Facebook, post a blog on LinkedIn, upload a photo to Instagram, or get lost discovering the hundreds of other social media sites that have been created for our use.

Looking at all of the options and learning about each of the new sites can be overwhelming at times, it can even make you want to not join at all, but there is a reason all of these types of sites are so popular. Businesses can reach audiences that they never would have before. Someone can share their thoughts and ideas to thousands of people at a time. And maybe most importantly, people can start and grow connections with other people that are in their community or thousands of miles away.

We can often get so consumed by how many likes or retweets our posts get, that sometimes our message that we want to send out can be overlooked. It doesn’t matter how many followers your page has if you have nothing to share or nothing to say. That’s why here at London Video Productions, my co-workers and I are trying to grow our presence on social media by sharing the things we have learned in and outside of the industry, as well as sharing day to day things that we experience together.

Though there are a lot of social media platforms that we have yet to join, we are working on establishing relationships with people on the ones that we are already a part of. We are starting and joining a two-way conversation, as well as growing our company along the way. By sharing our skills and knowledge, we hope to help our community as well as learn from other leaders and members when they share their ideas.

This topic has been discussed time and time again, so much so that it seems to be an obvious fact now that people don’t focus on. But we have to be conscious of social media and the impact it has on our lives. Social media will always be growing and evolving, but the core idea will always be the same. So, be considerate. Share your ideas. Grow relationships. And remember the message.